Friday, October 29, 2010

What surgeries we do?

1 Adenoidectomy
2 Adenotonsillectomy
3 Adenotonsillectomy with bilateral grommet Insertion
4 Aural Polypectomy
5 Biopsy - Minor
6 Caldwell – Luc Surgery
7 Cauterisation - Chemical
8 Cauterisation of Nasal Bleeding - Endoscopic
9 Cautery Patching Ear (Unilateral)
10 Choanal Atresia
11 Commando’s Operation
12 Conservative Surgery for Ca Larynx
13 Cyst & Benign Tumor of Palate
14 Decompression of Endolymphathic Sac
15 Dental Cyst & Tumor Excision
16 Direct Laryngoscopy /Biopsy
17 Drainage - Any Abscess
18 Drainage of Parapharyngeal Abscess - External
19 Drainage of Retro-pharyngeal abscess
20 Ear Lobule Repair - Bilateral
21 Ear Lobule Repair - Unilateral
22 Endoscopic CSF Fistula Repair
23 Endoscopic DCR
24 Endoscopic Optic Nerve Depression
25 Endoscopic Orbital Decompression
26 Endoscopic Transsphenoidal Hypophysectomy
27 Epley's Maneuver
28 Examination under Microscope
29 Excision of Acoustic Neuroma
30 Excision of Angiofibroma
31 Excision of Angiofibroma (Extensive)
32 Excision of Brachial Cyst and Sinus
33 Excision of Cystic Hygroma
34 Excision of Glomus- jugulare Tumor
35 Excision of Plunging Ranula
36 Excision of Thyroglossal Cyst or Sinus
37 Excision of Tumour - External Auditory Canal
38 External Ethmoidectomy - Unilateral
39 Foreign body Removal Ear / Nose
40 Foreign body Removal / biopsy by Rigid Bronchoscopy
41 Foreign body Removal / biopsy by Rigid Oesophagoscopy
42 Foreign body Removal Cricopharynx
43 Facial Nerve Decompression Vertical or / and Tympanic Segment
44 Facial Nerve Decompression with Nerve Graft
45 Facial Wound Repair
46 Facial Wound Repair (Major)
47 FESS – Complicated
48 FESS - Extensive
49 FESS – Minor ( Bilateral)
50 FESS – Minor ( Unilateral)
51 Fibreoptic Bronchoscopy under LA (Diagnostic)
52 Fibreoptic Bronchoscopy with FB Removal/Biopsy
53 Fibreoptic Laryngoscopy
54 Fracture Mandible Repair & Plating
55 Fracture Maxilla - Repair & Plating
56 Fracture Nasal bones Reduction
57 Hypopharyngoscopy
58 Laryngeal Web Excision
59 Laryngofissure
60 Lateral Pharyngotomy
61 Lateral Rhinotomy
62 Ligation of Ext. Carotid Artery / Ant. Ethmoidal Artery
63 Lymph Node Biopsy
64 Marsupulization of Ranula
65 Mastoidectomy - Cortical
66 Mastoidectomy - Modified Radical
67 Mastoidectomy-Radical
68 Mastoidectomy Cavity Obliteration
69 MLS - Laryngeal Papillomatosis
70 MLS Diagnostic / excision of Nodule / Polyp
71 MLS with Decortication
72 Myringoplasty
73 Myringotomy with Grommet - Bilateral
74 Myringotomy with Grommet - Unilateral
75 Nasal Endoscopy
76 Nasal Packing - Anterior
77 Nasal Packing - Posterior
78 Ossiculoplasty
79 Pan Endoscopy (Nasal Endoscopy, Oesophagoscopy, Bronchoscopy)
80 Partial Glossectomy
81 Peritonsillar abscess (Incision & Drainage)
82 Pharyngeal Diverticula Repair
83 Pharyngeal fistula repair simple without flap
84 Pre Auricular Sinus Excision
85 Ptergopalatine Fossa Surgery
86 Repair of Oroantral Fistula with Flap
87 Sebaceous Cyst Neck Excision
88 Septo – Rhinoplasty
89 Septoplasty
90 Septoplasty + SMD
91 Stapedectomy
92 Styloidectomy - Bilateral
93 Styloidectomy - Unilateral
94 Sub mucous Diathermy
95 Submandibular Gland Excision
96 Superficial parathyroidectomy
97 Superficial Parotidectomy
98 Syringing of ears / Suctioning/ Wax Removal
99 Thyroidectomy - Partial/Hemi
100 Thyroidectomy - Subtotal
101 Tongue Tie
102 Tonsillectomy
103 Tonsillectomy - Laser
104 Total Laryngectomy with Block Dissection
105 Total Laryngopharyngectomy
106 Total Maxillectomy
107 Total Maxillectomy with Orbital Exentration
108 Tracheal Stenosis Laser
109 Tracheal Stenosis Laser + Ballooning
110 Tracheal Stenosis Laser + Ballooning + Stenting
111 Tracheal Stenosis Montgomery T- Tube
112 Tracheal Tumours - Endoscopic Excision
113 Tracheostomy
114 Trans – Antral Ethmoidectomy - Unilateral
115 Turbinate reduction
116 Tympanoplasty
117 Uvulo- Palato Pharyngoplasty
118 Vocal cord palsy - Cord lateralisation
119 Vocal cord palsy - Laser Arytenoidectomy
120 Vocal cord palsy - Teflon paste injection
121 Vocal cord palsy - Thyroplasty
122 Voice Prosthesis Insertion / TEP
123 Intratympanic Drug Delivery
124 Parapharyngeal Space Tumours Excision

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  ENT Clinic (Preet Vihar)   Address :  Shop number 1,2,3 DDA Market-1, G-block, Preet Vihar, Vikas Marg, Delhi-92. Landmark :  Enter G-Bloc...