Monday, December 5, 2011

Medical treatment of Maxillary Sinusitis

Here are two images of CT scan of a person suffering from left Maxillary sinusitis. First Image depicts completely opacified maxillary sinus with adjacent ethmoid sinusits. He was treated with antibiotics, oral and topical steroids, decongestant nasal drops for six weeks. Second image shows complete resolution of sinus opacities with patent ostiomeatal complex.
So, it is essential to treat such cases medically for adequate length of time before deciding for surgery. After all Sinusitis is primarily a medical condition.

Attached is an image edited with BlackBerry Photo Editor Ultimate

Sunday, December 4, 2011

ENT Clinic

Bath after Adenoidectomy, Tonsillectomy or ear surgery.

When can the child bath after adenotonsillectomy.?

Ans He can take bath anytime or better next morning as routine.If Myringotomy with Grommet insertion have also been undertaken then it is of utmost importance not to let water insider ear canal otherwise infection can develop.  To prevent this, use cotton plug smeared with vaseline or some ointment during bath. the advantage of using vaseline is that it repels water and it keeps cotton fibers bind together so that when you remove the plug, no cotton fiber is left behind. 

Progression of Leukoplakia tongue over years.

Tongue Lesion on 03 Dec 2011.

This is a common site in India where people chew tobacco and beetle nuts.This patient had this whitish lesion on lateral part of tongue for last one year and it is progressively increasing in size.

Same patient as above on 22 Jan 2020
patient lost to follow up but seen by other doctors. got biopsied multiple times and again presenting with a painful ulcer just ahead of white patch. this time lesion feels indurated. Multiple biopsy of the lesion taken and sent for HPE.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Regarding Oral Lichen Planus

Dear doctor,

I am 24 years, smoke a pack of cigarette a week(reduced, trying to quit!). I have got something unusual on my cheek(inside mouth) There is no pain feeling happening. I have visited many doctors and they say that it is nothing to worry about. But I am worried as it has been over a year since it is present on my inner cheek.

I read your post on Oral Lichen Planus and I thought you might be in better position to guide.

Please see the pictures in the attachment and give your opinion.



Pediatric rhinosinusitis

Case of 11 year child with history of mouth breathing having Adenotonsillar hypertrophy. Patient was not referred but came on her own very late. In our country, timely referrals from paediatrician is rare. All cases of mouth breathing should have an ENT opinion at earliest.

Dr Ajay Jain's Clinic address and timings

  ENT Clinic (Preet Vihar)   Address :  Shop number 1,2,3 DDA Market-1, G-block, Preet Vihar, Vikas Marg, Delhi-92. Landmark :  Enter G-Bloc...