Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Temporomandibular joint dislocation

She is young female presented with 2nd episode of temporomandibular joint dislocation while she was yawning.  

She presented 10 hours after the episode  and she was immediately taken up for manual reduction.   She cried because of pain. Her was scared and apprehensive so manual reduction failed in emergency.   So it was decided to retry under propofol Anesthesia.  Since she was in pain and to relax her, 1 mg midazolam ( a tranquillizer and sedative) was given intravenously.  The case was scheduled after 4 hours as she had just taken water.  
She want into sleep soon after as she was tired since morning.  

I received the call 2 hours after that I need not to come now as Patient herself has reduced it.   I was glad and surprised.  Then I realized how important is for masticator muscles to relax before temporomandibular joint reduces itself or by physician action.     

Sketch photo of patient during her agony.  Note open mouth and slight deviation of chin on right side suggesting dislocation of temporomandibular joint of left side.  

Thursday, December 3, 2015


Dr. Ajay Jain, Dr. VP Sood (Late)
Senior ENT Consultant, Metro Hospital and Cancer Institute, New Delhi.
Septal abscess is a very common problem especially troublesome in immunocompromised and diabetic people. Conventional treatment involves an incision over the caudal septum followed by delayed primary or secondary closure. Few keep a stent to keep the drainage open. Whole treatment often involves hospital stay, intravenous antibiotics and prolonged agony.
The authors describe their technique of dealing with such cases. First, an aspiration of pus with wide bore needle is done which is sent for culture. Then a small Freer`s  incision is given. A zero degree telescope is used to inspect the septal cartilage and debriding any necrosed cartilage with slightest suspicion. Septum is closed with single suture and giving two quilting trans septal sutures. Nasal packs are kept on both sides for next 48-72 hours.
Patients were discharged on same day on antibiotic (Levofloxacin 500mg OD for 7 days).
All cases recovered uneventfully.
The key to success is thorough debridement of necrosed tissues aided with endoscopic vision and thorough irrigation. This procedure reduces prolonged hospital stay, ensures no more cartilage undergoes necrosis and hence prevents saddle deformity and exposure to intravenous antibiotics.   

Excision of recurrent Keloid

Friday, April 24, 2015

Modified radical Mastoidectomy

Modified radical Mastoidectomy is an ear operation where ear canal, middle ear and mastoid air cells are converted into a single cavity with wide opening outside. Advantage is that disease clearance is more complete and even in future in case of ear infection, the ear discharge comes out of ear easily.  

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Citation of my publication-Necrotizing fascitis.

 I am happy to inform that my article on Necrotizing fasciitis has been cited.

Your article:

Cervical necrotizing fasciitis: Our experience with 11 cases and our technique for surgical debridement
Bakshi, J., Virk, R.S., Jain, A., Verma, M.
Ear, Nose and Throat Journal
volume 89, issue 2, year 2010, pp. 84 - 86

has been cited in:
La fasciite nécrosante cervicale: Rapport d'une série de six cas et revue de la littérature
Cruz Toro, P., Callejo Castillo, A., Tornero Saltó, J., González Compta, X., Farré, A., Maños, M.
Annales francaises d'oto-rhino-laryngologie et de pathologie cervico-faciale
volume 131, issue 6, year 2014, pp. 343 - 346
View all citations to your article in Scopus

Dr Ajay Jain's Clinic address and timings

  ENT Clinic (Preet Vihar)   Address :  Shop number 1,2,3 DDA Market-1, G-block, Preet Vihar, Vikas Marg, Delhi-92. Landmark :  Enter G-Bloc...