Thursday, January 14, 2021

Timings, Fees, ENT Clinic, Dr. Ajay Jain

Dr. Ajay Jain's ENT Clinic, Preet Vihar, New Delhi.

Address : Shop No:1,2,3 DDA Market-1, G-block, Preet Vihar, Delhi-92. Landmark: Enter G-block opposite Metro pillar 102 

Appointments: Call or Whatsapp at 9871166370. 


Google location: Click here to get direction


New patients : Rs. 800

Old patients : Rs. 600

Follow up: Rs. 500 (within one month)

Please Note: Fees valid for 3 days only. No fees for wax cleaning though consultation fees is chargeable at every visit. Charges for other procedure can be asked during appointments. 

Please Whatsapp at 9871166370 for any complaints or suggestion

or Click here

Sunday, January 10, 2021

गले में गोला या कुछ अटका महसूस होना। Feeling of lump in throat

Few persons feel kind of lump in throat (#Globus) or keep clearing their throat as if something has stuck there. Many of such cases have underlying Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR). Few people have Oncophobia or fear of throat cancer or larynx cancer as they are smokers or tobacco chewers. Kind of guilt feelings creep in their mind which manifest as lump in throat. Very rarely, these are genuine cases and we should not ignore these symptoms. At least for once, these persons should visit ENT doctor as serious causes like throat cancer or base of tongue cancer would be ruled out plus added advantage and confidence of doctor's examination will help to dispel such feelings of impending cancer. कुछ लोगों को गले में गांठ महसूस होती है या अपना गला साफ करते रहते हैं जैसे कि कोई चीज वहां फंस गई है। ऐसे कई मामलों में अंतर्निहित गैस्ट्रोओसोफेगल रिफ्लक्स रोग (GERD) या लैरींगोफेरींजल रिफ्लक्स (एलपीआर) होता है। कुछ लोगों को ओंकोफोबिया या गले के कैंसर या स्वरयंत्र के कैंसर का डर होता है क्योंकि वे धूम्रपान करने वाले या तंबाकू चबाने वाले होते हैं। उनके मन में एक प्रकार की ग्लानि की भावनाएँ उभर आती हैं जो गले में गांठ के रूप में प्रकट होती हैं। बहुत कम ही, ये वास्तविक मामले हैं और हमें इन लक्षणों को अनदेखा नहीं करना चाहिए। कम से कम एक बार, इन व्यक्तियों को ईएनटी डॉक्टर के पास जाना चाहिए क्योंकि गले के कैंसर या जीभ के कैंसर के आधार जैसे गंभीर कारणों से इंकार किया जाएगा और डॉक्टर की परीक्षा का विश्वास आसन्न कैंसर की भावनाओं को दूर करने में मदद करेगा।
#feeling lump in throat #throat cancer #frequent clearing of throat #Gastroesophageal reflux disease #throat not clear #something stuck in throat #gala me gola bana hua hai Dr Ajay Jain, MS (PGI Chd), DNB ENT and Head & Neck Surgery ENT Clinic: Shop No:1,2,3 DDA Market-1, G-block, Preet Vihar, Delhi-92. Landmark: Enter G-block opposite Metro pillar 102 Website: Map: Https://

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

A live insect in ear at mid night. What you should do next? कान में कीड़ा जाने पर क्या करे?

Live insect in ear is very common emergency at mid of night in my practice. People often do foolish things to remove bug in ear with help of ear buds or using pins. Firstly, buzzing insect makes very annoying tinnitus like sounds intermittently which appears very loud as it is very close to ear drum. Second, it may bite or injure ear drum especially if you try to remove ear bugs yourself using ear bud or q tip. Many home remedies for removing insect in ear canal prove counter productive if not executed properly. Going to hospital at mid night hours is especially not an option for some and costly also in private set up. #Live insect in ear #live bug in ear #first aid live insect in ear #kaanmkida The immediate goal should be to make the insect silent. remember A LIVE INSECT IS MUCH MORE DANGEROUS THAN A DEAD INSECT so just put some readily available oil at home like mustard oil/olive oil/ coconut oil to cut off oxygen of the insect so that it dies. Then wait for the morning and go to first available Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) doctor to get it removed by more scientific methods. Remember, you can injure your ear canal skin and ear drum in an act of removing but yourself. Dr Ajay Jain, MS (PGI Chd), DNB ENT and Head & Neck Surgery ENT Clinic: Shop No:1,2,3 DDA Market-1, G-block, Preet Vihar, New Delhi-92. Website:

Monday, January 4, 2021

how turbinate reduction surgery improved Eustachian tube dysfunction and helped to avoid ear surgery

Bilateral enlarged posterior end of inferior turbinate or Choanal polyp were found to block Eustachian tubes. Simply reduction of posterior end of inferior turbinates helped to avoid tympanoplasty and Mastoidectomy in a young patient. # turbinate reduction Surgery #Choanal polyp #Eustachian tube dysfunction #कान का ऑपरेशन # Tympanoplasty # Mastoidectomy #Choanal polyp originating from inferior turbinates. #Septoturbinoplasty #CSOM #Eustachian tube black age This 29 year patient used to have frequent cold and ear discharge. He came for ear surgery to us. We advised him to undergo nasal surgery first because of his stuffy nose. On table, we found enlarged inferior turbinates and posterior end of turbinates was blocking opening of Eustachian tubes. We reduced the posterior end or Choanal polyp with help of microdebrider. Patient did very well postoperatively. Both his ears became dry and ear drum Perforation healed. So this case clearly shows importance of Eustachian tubes in normal functioning of ears. Dr Ajay Jain, MS (PGI Chd), DNB ENT Clinic: Shop No:1,2,3 DDA Market-1, G-block, Preet Vihar, Delhi. For appointment, Whatsapp or call at 9871166370 Pls see other videos Must see video before ear surgery -कान के ऑपरेशन से पहले कम से कम एक बार इस वीडियो को देखें Cost of Ear Surgery in Delhi (India) Which Ear drop should I put in ear? कान में कौन सी बूंदें डालनी चाहिए Care of discharging ears (CSOM)-बहते हुए कानों की देखभाल Tinnitus-Ringing Sensation in Ear during Coronavirus Pandemic. Taking my silence away Secretly recorded ENT Doctor’s clinic proceedings and released on YouTube.

Dr Ajay Jain's Clinic address and timings

  ENT Clinic (Preet Vihar)   Address :  Shop number 1,2,3 DDA Market-1, G-block, Preet Vihar, Vikas Marg, Delhi-92. Landmark :  Enter G-Bloc...