Frequently Asked Questions.

Please write your query on
I shall try to reply ASAP.


Dr. Ajay Jain



  1. hello sir,
    my name is ribhu panwar , i am suffering a hole in eardrum,due to this i am suffering from a major hear loss.
    i have something about myringoplasy , is this avilable in your hospital
    if yes then what will be its cost and how much time i will have to stay in hospital

  2. please sir give answear as soon as possible
    and my id is

  3. Dear Cool,

    Yes, We are doing this surgery routinely. The surgical package for this surgery (Myringoplasty under LA or MAC) at Pushpanjali crosslay hospital is

    For Single room Rs. 29600
    For Double room Rs. 23275
    For Economy room Rs. 20120

    These charges are approximate and can change as per condition of patient (like associated illness).

    Similiar package is also available at Max Balaji Hospital, IP Extension, if you desire the surgery at this hospital.

    You can check about hospital details in the hospitals link.

    Dr. Ajay Jain

  4. Hi Docter my condition is everytime i eat food the food enters my sinus\'s and gives me headches its hard for me to eat solids and everything i eat enters my sinus is there a solution or is this very hard and there is no answer because i have a hard time explaining it to docters, thanks Joseph

    Dear Joseph,

    It's difficult to understand how the food enters your sinus unless you have some defect in your hard or soft palate (roof of mouth or at the back of your mouth). If you have any such defect by birth or so, then such defects can be repaired by surgeons who routinely repair cleft palates. Dr. Jain

  5. To:
    Subject: risks of ear surgery
    Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2008 12:32:32 -0500

    Hello Sir,

    Is there a risk of "dead ear" wtih cutting the tenosr tympani and stapedial tendons/muscles?

    Thanks You

    Mr Patel
    Dear Mr. Patel,

    There is no risk of dead ear by cutting tensor tympani and stapedial tendon/muscle but this may lead to nullification of natural protective response from loud sounds and may cause noise induced hearing loss.

    Dr. Ajay Jain

  6. Namaste - I am enquiring about surgery to remove nasal polops which my GP here in New Zealand says are causing me to snore terribly. Is it possible, next time I am in New Delhi (I am a frequent visitor) to have these removed?

    Thanks for your time.

    Jeremy Parkinson
    Dear Mr. Parkinson,

    It is possible for you to get operated at Delhi for your nasal polyps. Let me know when you are visiting next.

    Pls send a picture of CT by email.

    For more information on nasal polyps and sinus surgery, click here

    Dr. Ajay Jain

  7. Dear Dr. Jain,

    As you know, I was having dizziness and sometimes a feelings that the world is spinning. This rotatary movement used to last for a minute. Initially I thought it is due to high BP, also got the BP checked but it was normal. I was tensed and didn't know what to do?

    I started looking for the solution online, when I read many articles pointing towards some problem related to ear. That was the time when I first consulted you as you are a well known ENT specialist and your clinic is close to our place. In fact had heard about you from one of our neighbours was very satisfied with your treatment.

    It was your expert diagnosis that I came to know about Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV). I didn't realise it could be that simple as you did the "Epley Maneuver" which proved to be like a magic for me as I never experience the rotatary movement since then.

    I am very very thankful to you for the right diagnosis and expertise you made in the very first consultation.

    I feel good now and by god’s grace have not experienced rotatory sensation in my head since then. Your treatment was really a miracle for me.

    Thank you doctor.
    Mrs. Kumar

  8. Dear doctor,

    I am unable to pronounce several words and hence its impacting my communication skills.

    Please suggest me the solution for the same.
    Please mail me at or call me at 9899019362.


  9. See there are two situations. Either this could be Stammering or Misarticulations beside many other diagnosis. Misarticulations has very good prognosis where you speak different word than you wish to speak to while in stammering you just stuck up on same letter.

    Your speech needs to be assessed by Audiologist then he can suggests useful speech lessons to practice. you can contact any of Audiologist listed in Audiologist section of my blog.

    with regards.

    Dr. Ajay

  10. Sir,

    I am having mild pain in left ear, it is passing through upper left side of throat. The pain is felt only if i put some pressing/pressure on the throat.

    Yesterday I put Otek-AC+ drops. Should I continue. Please advice ?


    Sanjay Swaroop

  11. Dear Sanjay,

    It appears that you have referred pain in your ear from your throat. So putting an ear drop will not help you. You should have throat and dental check up to rule out cause in mouth which can give such kind of ear pain.

    Dr. Ajay Jain

  12. Please tell me few good hospitals/surgeon for Adenotonsillectomy for my child at Chandigarh. My email is

  13. Thanks for the information of doctors in chandigarh. Kindly tell me whether to go for laser assisted adenotonsillectomy, coneventional surgery or any latest. Also forward the name of doctor/hospital in Chandigarh or patiala.

  14. Conventional surgery is the standard everywhere
    though COBLATION is being used at few centres for tonsillectomy. and Adenoids are being removed with help of microdebrider under endoscopic vision.

    Lasers are more for controlling hemostasis and I see not much advantage of it except increasing the cost.

  15. Dear Doctor,

    Kindly suggest the ENT hospitals where tonsillectomy is done using coblation technique in chandigarh and the approx. cost of operation for adenotonsillectomy. Also tell whether it is safe to operate(adenotonsillectomy)a 5yrs. child using conventional or coblation technique., Thanks... :

  16. Sir,
    I am suffering from giddiness and positional vertigo for many years.Is there any treatment apart from Epley maneuver?please advise,
    Aparna rai,

    1. Hello, If your diagnosis of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is confirmed by Dix Hall Pike Test, then Epley Maneuvre works best. Otherwise, we will have to work up for other causes. BPPV can also be treated by Semont maneuvre and rarely by surgery (theoretical)

  17. Dr.jain

    sir, My new born baby[1mnth old] has one ear with flat upper lid instead of normal rounded one...pls advise me that can i use earbuddies for it available in medical stores here in india or should i consult ent specialist for the same.....I stay in mumbai...which is non surgical method for the same,pls reply.

  18. It's difficult to understand what you are saying. Why don't you send a picture of the ear so that i can be more precise in answering you. Rgds.

  19. Respected Doctar Sahab

    My right nosetrail fully and left nostrail partily blocked due to Polyps, I feeling very dicomfert and not able to take breath by nose.During winter season this problem more severe.
    Doctor saheb I want to know that for this problem only operation is solution..?
    I afraid because my some friend telling me that operation is not permanent solution its reoccure after some time, Docor saheb is it true?

    Ganesh Gupta

  20. Respected Doctar Sahab

    My right nosetrail fully and left nostrail partily blocked due to Polyps, I feeling very dicomfert and not able to take breath by nose.During winter season this problem more severe.
    Doctor saheb I want to know that for this problem only operation is solution..?
    I afraid because my some friend telling me that operation is not permanent solution its reoccure after some time, Docor saheb is it true?

    Ganesh Gupta

  21. Hi Ganesh,

    This is not entirely true. Polyps need surgery and good postoperative care. Though they can recur as well. But that does not mean that you should not go for surgery otherwise, you may loose sense of smell, can have bad breath, recurrent nasal infections, snoring and feeling of out of breath. These days, we have better technology including Balloon Sinuplasty, Microdebrider assisted endoscopic sinus surgery. So Get yourself treated. with good wishes.

  22. Hello Doctor,
    I was just going through your answers and it feels great that at least someone is taking out time and giving solutions to the needy ones. Respect for you sir :)
    This is about my mother, she is affected by problem of vertigo from last 5 years. Earlier it use to happen once in 3-4 months and as the time has passed it's occurrence is more often and is affecting her job an daily life. She is 54yrs old now. We have consulted many doctors in our city but all of them have guided that its a inner ear problem and she should take Vertin24 each time the vertigo happens. While going through internet content i found this problem is called Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo and can be cured with the help of certain exercises. I can not be sure it is BPPV as i am not a doctor but the symptoms direct to this ENT problem. Please suggest what can be done to make sure that it is BPPV and how can it be cured so that she can lead a happy life.


    Email id -

  23. Dear Neeraj,

    In BPPV, the vertigo is typically rotatory, lasts for few seconds, positional like taking a turn in bed or getting up in bed and may or may not be accompanied by vomiting. To confirm that visit an ENT specialist without taking any antivertigo drug like vertin and your ENT doctor will do a simple Dix Hall Pike test. If positive, he will do Epley maneuvre and will give you simple instructions of taking rest and she should be fine within seven days.

    Most important thing is correct diagnosis. If BPPV, we have a solution without medicine or surgery. Good luck.

    Dr. Ajay jain

  24. Thank you for much for such an immediate reply.
    Thank you sir

    We have consulted the best ENT doc of our city but haven't found any success. Since it seems you are a specialist in same field, we would like to consult you on the same.
    Please direct us when and how we can meet you



    email id -

  25. sir mera bhatija hai uske mashin lagi hui hai wo abhi 4 sal ka hai uske 3 chennale ki mashin lagi hui hai uske liya best kya rahega pls help me

    1. Dear Riya,
      It's difficult to answer your question without all the details. Please come with all details including hearing test to help your nephew.

  26. Sir i'm suffering from headeck and eye pain .. within hour in my eye flow of water.and in this situation i fill sufeering from fvr type.not exactly fiver so plzzz help .

  27. Date: Wed, 4 May 2011 11:21:21


    Subject: About tongue tieDear Dr. AjayI am writing from Himachal Pradesh. My 3 month old son has been not gaining adequate weight since birth. He has a very poor latch and the sucking is also not good for efficient transfer of breast milk. We have been trying to figure out the reason and a probable reason may be something to do with his oral anatomy. There is no obvious tongue tie like the picture on your blog but his tongue seems short and round and doest extend out well. Though when he feeds it does extend over his gums of the lower jaw. Am not certain if there is a problem but wanted to know from you whether you have any idea of who could give us the right advice of whether there is indeed a problem with the palate or tongue and what could be done next. We would prefer to consult here in Himachal and would come to Delhi only if there are no options here. The closest big hospital to us is the Tanda Medical College and Hospital at Kangra.Looking forward to hearing from you

  28. Sir, I am Sunny Mittal, 27 years old, suffering from tongue tie and not able to pronounce certain words properly and I wanted to know whether you do tongue tie surgery? If yes then will it be with laser or blade. Thanks

  29. Dear Sir,
    I am Deepak. In my left ear there is hole in eardrum , doctor suggest me to do tymoplasty surgery, according to doctor and I feel some hearing loss termed as middle coductive hearing loss, I also unable to pronounce some words correctly. Please give me advice as I am psychological not ready for surgery.


Dr Ajay Jain's Clinic address and timings

  ENT Clinic (Preet Vihar)   Address :  Shop number 1,2,3 DDA Market-1, G-block, Preet Vihar, Vikas Marg, Delhi-92. Landmark :  Enter G-Bloc...